Reigniting Your Passion For Reading

Life has a way of getting chaotic, and sometimes that means your favorite pastimes go by the wayside. If you once proclaimed yourself a bookworm, you may find that, as an adult, you can’t remember the last time you read a book for pleasure. You might need some help reigniting your passion for reading. Here are some simple ways to get you back into the habit of reading!

Create Your Reading Nook

Your environment may play a big part in why you haven’t picked up a book in a long time. Create a cozy space in your home to help you ease into reading again! Choose a corner or a room to set up your home library and furnish it with a comfortable chair, a warm throw blanket, and a good reading lamp. You may opt for a floor chair, a chaise lounge, or an overstuffed armchair to keep you comfortable. Grab a rolling cart and store a tea kettle or small coffee pot with your favorites to make this space even more enticing. Decorate it in a way that makes you want to spend time there. This is your space, your escape from the chaos of everyday life!

Easy Does It

Ease into reading by selecting an easy read! Choose a young adult fiction, short story compilation, or thriller. Choose the first book in a series if you really want to get sucked in. If you want to get back to basics, pick up your favorite book from your adolescence and remind yourself why you fell in love with reading in the first place.

Build momentum – read the first few chapters asap; it’ll get you invested and keep you wanting more.

As soon as you get home from the bookshop or library, dive right into the first few chapters of your new book. This will help you build momentum and get your mind engaged with the material. Keep yourself hungry for that book. You’ll be more likely to finish the book if you start reading it immediately.

Build The Habit

Reading is a habit like any other. It takes some commitment when you are just starting out. Schedule your reading time and carve out a dedicated time in your day to dive into your book. You may use your commute on public transit to read or use your lunch break to get in a few chapters. Reading can be used as an activity to help you disconnect from the workday, too! If you spend an hour scrolling on your phone before getting out of bed or before going to sleep, swap that screen time for a page-turner instead.

Start A List

You may already have a stack of books you want to get through, but if you’re returning to a reading habit after an extended hiatus, you may want to reevaluate your “To-Read” list. Take a look at some book review sites and jot down a few titles that strike your fancy! Stick with easier reads until you’ve reached momentum and are back to the voracious reader you once were. If a certain book doesn’t hold your attention, it’s ok to put it down and find something else!