All You Need To Know About Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is one of the most practical and responsible things a pet owner can do for their pet. This service offers pet owners a financial safety net that can greatly reduce the costs associated with pet health. By paying a monthly premium, you can ensure your pet will receive veterinary care, even in the event of a medical emergency. Here are some things to consider when shopping for pet insurance.

When To Buy

To get the best deal on pet insurance, you will want to purchase your policy when your pet is still young. The older your pet gets, the higher your premiums will be. Once they reach a certain age, many insurance agencies will not cover your pet at all without an existing policy. Many policies will cover treatment for cancer and other medical conditions that would otherwise bankrupt a pet owner. Be sure to review any policy carefully before purchase, as some pre-existing conditions, especially breed-specific conditions, may be excluded.

How It Works

If you are particular about the vet you want your pet to be seen by, you will want to find out which plans they accept. Once you have a list of plans and companies they work with, you will need to do a bit of research. Compare policies and request a quote based on your needs. Your quote can be customized based on premium cost, reimbursement percentages, annual limits, and coverage. Some insurance companies will pay the clinic directly for services rendered, and others will reimburse you after you’ve already paid. If you don’t have a lot of disposable income, you’ll want to make sure you choose a company that pays out directly. Once you’ve purchased your pet’s policy, you can submit the policy information to your vet clinic. Their billing department can help streamline the process of pre-approval for any necessary medical procedures and treatments.

What To Look For

A comprehensive pet insurance policy will cover:

  • Preventative Care
  • Wellness Visits
  • Hereditary and Genetic Conditions
  • Pre-existing Conditions (only if you know your pet has been diagnosed)
  • Illness and Injury
  • Dental Care
  • Diagnostics (Lab, X-ray, Ultrasound, CT Scan, etc.)
  • Surgical Care
  • Hospitalization
  • Medication
  • Prescription Diet
  • Behavioral Therapy

Take Your Time

Pet insurance policies vary widely in cost. Basic coverage can cost as little as $10.00 per month, and comprehensive policies can cost $100.00 or more, depending on the age and health condition of your pet. If a certain company does not meet your needs, don’t be afraid to continue shopping around. You do not need to purchase the first policy that pops up. Take your time and consider your options. Pet insurance is part of the life-long commitment you make to your pet and their care.