Winterizing Your Beauty Routine

Winter weather can be harsh on your skin and hair. Before the temperatures drop, start preparing your body for the seasonal changes to come. Here are some great tips to help you winterize your beauty routines!

Thicker Serums

Lightweight serums are fantastic for the hot summer months, but you may want to change things up with your skincare routine during winter. Experiment with thicker serums that contain more nourishing ingredients.

Heavier Moisturizers

When the weather cools down, you will want to layer on a heavier facial moisturizer for added protection. Harsh winds can penetrate through lighter moisturizers and dry out your skin within minutes! Choose a facial moisturizer with a thick consistency that soaks in slowly.

Lip balm

Don’t forget the lip balm with SPF! Protect your lips from chapping and peeling. Be sure to reapply your lip balm several times throughout the day. Opt for heavier ingredients like shea and cocoa butter during winter, as they’ll last longer and offer more protection to your lips.


Don’t skimp on sunscreen, especially on sunnier days. Snow reflects the sunlight and amplifies the UV rays. That sun reflection can cause even more severe sunburns than a summer day. Stick with SPF 50 and above for maximum coverage and protection.

Protect Your Tresses

During the cold summer months, be sure to moisturize your hair well. Dry your hair thoroughly before heading out into the cold. If your hair is still damp in freezing weather, you risk more than just that cold your mother warned you about. The water remaining in your hair can freeze, causing severe breakage to your mane.

Overnight Masks

Overnight hair and face masks are an excellent way to lock in moisture and add quality nutrients to your hair and skin. Choose high-quality ingredients and avoid products with alcohol listed in the top three ingredients. Alcohol is incredibly drying and damaging.

Stay Hydrated

The best thing you can do for your body is to stay hydrated. As the season change, your water intake requirements may change as well. You may not sweat as much in winter, so your body will retain more of the water that you consume. If you feel bloated or are urinating excessively, cut your intake by 10-20 ounces.

Go Easy On The Heat

It’s tempting to jump into a steamy hot shower after a few hours of shoveling the snow. Still, the best course is to keep your shower temperatures moderate. Extra-hot water can strip your body and scalp’s natural oils. Take warm showers instead to keep your natural oils intact.

Body Lotion

Keeping your body’s natural moisture locked in is as simple as lathering up with a good lotion after every shower. Before you dry off completely, apply your body lotion and allow it to soak in before dressing for the day.

By following these simple modifications to your winter beauty routine, you can protect your skin and hair all winter long.