Beating The Winter Blues

During the long winter months, you may find yourself in a slump and feeling a bit melancholy or lethargic. These feelings are often referred to as The Winter Blues. These feelings can be difficult to manage and may even make the holiday season feel like a burden. Symptoms of the winter blues may include periods of depression, sleep issues, irritability, and fatigue. Here are some ways to help combat those winter blues and make the winter season a more magical or at least comfortable time of year.


Exercise is one of the best ways to boost your mood and stave off symptoms of the wintertime blues. Regular exercise can decrease the time it takes for you to fall asleep and improve your quality and quantity of sleep.

Eat Healthily

It can be very easy to forget healthy eating habits, especially around the holidays. Excessive carbs and sugars act as food for the unhealthy bacteria found in your digestive tract. Starving out the beneficial bacteria can cause mood disruptions and affect your sleeping habits. There’s no harm in a bit of indulgence at family feasts. Just don’t forget to eat a balanced diet during the rest of the winter season. Include pre-and probiotic foods to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Sunlight & Vitamin D

In snowy climates, sunlight can be hard to come by for days or weeks at a time. Humans need vitamin D for many vital processes, including mood stabilization and regulation. If you do not have access to sunlight, consider purchasing a sun lamp with full-spectrum light therapy capabilities. Other options include vitamin D supplements and increasing your dietary intake by consuming salmon, cod liver oil, canned tuna, eggs, and mushrooms.


Engaging in hobbies and recreation can help to boost your mood and combat fatigue and mental fog. Whether you like to crochet, painting, shooting pool, or throwing darts, pick up your hobby or start a new one! Filling your time with an enjoyable pastime can help keep your spirits up. If you are able to, include a friend or family member in your hobby to increase your social interactions.

Social Interaction

If you are feeling down in the dumps, make an effort to make plans with friends or family members and follow through with those plans. Time spent with loved ones is time spent well. You can share your burdens or focus on enjoying your time. Humans are social creatures, and positive social interactions can soothe the soul.

Seek Help

If your case of the blues lasts longer than two weeks, if you experience distressing thoughts or have thoughts of harming yourself, please reach out to your primary care provider for an evaluation for Seasonal Affective Disorder or depression.